Laminate Floor Care and Cleaning from Your Dallas TX Flooring Company

Laminate flooring from Sharp Floors, your Dallas flooring company, is the perfect and popular choice for any room whether it will lay in your living room, dining room, or bedroom. The technology behind laminate flooring has changed and improved from its inception and now it is indistinguishable from hard wood.
It is important to keep some of these basic supplies on hand so you can be ready to clean your laminate floor whenever you need:
- A vacuum with a type of brush attachment to run across the floor gently
- A dry mop or sponge mop to use to spread laminate floor cleaner
- A store-bought (preferably) laminate floor cleaner
A store-bought laminate floor cleaner from the outlet or retail store you purchased your laminate flooring from is preferred. The retailer will carry pre-mixed floor cleaners that are compatible and recommended by the laminate manufacturers carried. Some manufacturers are very specific in the requirements of laminate cleaners used on their floors. Always make sure to check with the manufacturer before putting any floor cleaner on your laminate.
There are many methods you may use to make your own laminate floor cleaner. One of the most popular methods is a vinegar and water equal parts mix. Some options include adding rubbing alcohol. Once again, Sharp Floors, your Dallas laminate flooring installer, recommends checking with your laminate flooring manufacturer before using homemade cleaners.
To clean your laminate floor, first, use the dry mop or vacuum with brush attachment to clean you floor thoroughly. Cleaning the corners, edges, and crevices with the bush attachment are recommended. All loose materials should be swept off the surface of the flooring.
Next, if you are using the recommended store-bought floor cleaner, spray small sections of the floor with the cleaner. Use the dry mop or dry sponge mop to mop the cleaner in. The cleaner will leave a shine on the laminate floor that will air dry soon. Clean your laminate floor a few times a month or as needed to clean up spills or stains.
Learn more about laminate flooring and other Dallas TX flooring installation options at the Sharp Floors website or call 214-227-2841 to schedule an appointment.